
3CX Annual Licenses Standard

Annual licenses are valid for 12 months after which a renewal is required at the same rate. Pricing is based on the number of simultaneous calls a company needs. Usually, 1 sim. call per 3-4 extensions is required, i.e. a company with 50 extensions would need a 16 sim. call license.


3CX Annual Licenses Pro

Annual licenses are valid for 12 months after which a renewal is required at the same rate. Pricing is based on the number of simultaneous calls a company needs. Usually, 1 sim. call per 3-4 extensions is required, i.e. a company with 50 extensions would need a 16 sim. call license.


3CX Annual Licenses Enterprise

Annual licenses are valid for 12 months after which a renewal is required at the same rate. Pricing is based on the number of simultaneous calls a company needs. Usually, 1 sim. call per 3-4 extensions is required, i.e. a company with 50 extensions would need a 16 sim. call license.


3CX Maintenance Standard

Maintenance is applicable on existing Perpetual licenses only.

Maintenance entitles you to one year of free updates, tested phone firmwares, security updates and the smartphone clients (which are licensed by year only and require valid maintenance). It also includes new versions (eg 14 to 15). Correct end-user details are required, otherwise maintenance will not be activated. Annual Licences do not require a Maintenance.


3CX Maintenance Pro

Maintenance is applicable on existing Perpetual licenses only.

Maintenance entitles you to one year of free updates, tested phone firmwares, security updates and the smartphone clients (which are licensed by year only and require valid maintenance). It also includes new versions (eg 14 to 15). Correct end-user details are required, otherwise maintenance will not be activated. Annual Licences do not require a Maintenance.


3CX Hosting

Hosting is for Annual Licenses only, to visit other restrictions please visit: 3CX Knowledge Base - Restriction on Hosted by 3CX 


3CX Maintenance Enterprise

Maintenance is applicable on existing Perpetual licenses only.

Maintenance entitles you to one year of free updates, tested phone firmwares, security updates and the smartphone clients (which are licensed by year only and require valid maintenance). It also includes new versions (eg 14 to 15). Correct end-user details are required, otherwise maintenance will not be activated. Annual Licences do not require a Maintenance.


3CX Direct Product Support

Maintenance is applicable on Perpetual licenses only and entitles you to one year of free updates, tested phone firmwares, security updates and the smartphone clients (which are licensed by year only and require valid maintenance). It also includes new versions (eg 14 to 15). Correct end-user details are required, otherwise maintenance will not be activated. Annual Licences do not require a Maintenance.


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